Our MD/DC/VA area has been hit by a snow storm which now is a tie to a previous record storm of 1922! It all began on Friday February 5th at 11am and continued until Saturday afternoon. We are drowned with anywhere from 24inches to some area with 40 inches. Ever since the winter storm we had in Dec. 19, TT had decided to purchase an electrical snow thrower which we didn't know that we'll actually put it to good use until this weekend. TT had been very diligent and got out there every 2 hours since friday night or so to fight the snow. If we let the snow get too high up, the machine would be of no use. So, that's how we tackle this one historic snow storm. I lost track of how many times he's been out there, but at least 8 times by now. The snow has been INSANE.
With that being said, I had a little time, to spend with the kids, to watch omg wucha call it 'movies' on 'tv' and to update this blog, all before I quickly have to begin another wedding book. In addition, we are also doing '09 file cleanup, archival, storage, purchasing more external drives etc and other yummy goodness that we've been waiting for so long, which I'll share in later posts.
On with Photos Photos! Here is a wedding TT captured for Jennifer and Miguel back in November for
Daniel of Glamour Photo. Again, there are just so many pictures that I love, so here we go:
Getting ready at home:

Bridal portraits before the ceremony:

Our website for more photos