Welcome to our blog!

Hi, thanks for stopping by our photo blog! I'm Anna, the person behind all of the blog posts you're reading! I work with my husband Travis, aka TT, a wedding and portrait photographer for MD/DC/VA area. What you'll find here is our latest photography work, our life, passion, family, and all the moments that I want to remember about everything else that happens in our lives. We'd love to hear from old friends and new friends so don't hesitate to leave a comment / subscribe us to get the latest blog posts.
By the way, be prepared for some music pumping on here as it's loading; Turn your volume up/down, put on your headphones ;) Enjoy

email embrace @ embracephoto . net ; anna @ embracephoto . net ; travis @ embracephoto . net ;
phone anna 240.506.1491 travis 703.608.8152

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2007

Our hearts and prayers are with the families as we are reaching the 6th year anniversary of 9/11. This is indeed the most memorable news event in our lifetime as we would never forget this. Some things can change the way we live forever, and this is it. That is, to be stronger and more united as we put our hands together to overcome this tragedy.


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