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Hi, thanks for stopping by our photo blog! I'm Anna, the person behind all of the blog posts you're reading! I work with my husband Travis, aka TT, a wedding and portrait photographer for MD/DC/VA area. What you'll find here is our latest photography work, our life, passion, family, and all the moments that I want to remember about everything else that happens in our lives. We'd love to hear from old friends and new friends so don't hesitate to leave a comment / subscribe us to get the latest blog posts.
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email embrace @ embracephoto . net ; anna @ embracephoto . net ; travis @ embracephoto . net ;
phone anna 240.506.1491 travis 703.608.8152

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Our Niece's 4th Birthday

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I'm feeling very thankful. I'm thankful for my family and friends, my life and what I've accomplished thus far, and my small niche. Thanks to all of those who inspired me, and helped to shape who I am today. My love for photography and make-up artistry have far exceeded my expections. Shout out to those make-up artists who make us look stunning. A combination of photography, graphic design and make-up artistry, really inspired me. (YAY to MAC products!!)
This year, Torie's favorite is Hello Kitty! So here is the HK cake (hint, Classic Bakery). I brought my little Canon along.

Hello Kitty Decors

Birthday Girl's Sister Taylor

Sisterly love...I wish I had a sister to play barbie dolls with. I grew up with 3 brothers, so instead of dolls, I know kung-fu! AII--YAAA!!!

It's unbelievable how fast they grow. So we must enjoy more time with our little ones before they outgrow us!


Anonymous said...

man, classic bakery did it again! what an awesome cake :)

and i love the girls' socks!

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