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Hi, thanks for stopping by our photo blog! I'm Anna, the person behind all of the blog posts you're reading! I work with my husband Travis, aka TT, a wedding and portrait photographer for MD/DC/VA area. What you'll find here is our latest photography work, our life, passion, family, and all the moments that I want to remember about everything else that happens in our lives. We'd love to hear from old friends and new friends so don't hesitate to leave a comment / subscribe us to get the latest blog posts.
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email embrace @ embracephoto . net ; anna @ embracephoto . net ; travis @ embracephoto . net ;
phone anna 240.506.1491 travis 703.608.8152

Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday 2007

This year, we hosted our first Holiday dinner at our house! So, on the night of Christmas Eve, my parents, brothers and sisters gathered at our house for dinner and celebration. Since this was the first time we had a full family reunion after my brother's graduation, we got together for a post-graduation memories. My brother was excited to put his gown to use!

My brother is the youngest in the family, but he still loves holding and kissing our parents:

The kids' favorite moment, time to tear up those wrapping papers, but before doing so, we did manage to capture this. They were on their last breath of patience!

My lovable nephew, the cheeks I don't mind pinching:

The following are some of my own captures that I would like to remember:
Princess kept on carrying the presents up and down from the table, aligning them neatly, almost wanted to tear them all up before the stroke of midnight!

Piggy riding uncle:

Can one tell that Princess doesn't want to be bothered when it comes to unwrapping those presents. But babyboy loves his sister anyways:

Santa dropped this new TOY down my chimney (: TT that is my santa. I didn't get anything for him this holiday, but all of us should learn how to share (: So I'll share my new toy with him.

This is a whole story on its own. Can one guess what this was? After having finished opening her presents, she actually stuffed on and wore all of the clothes she received one layer after another, until her behind turned into this hilarious looking booties.

That's all our story for Holiday 2007. We hope everyone had a restful few days off, and shall we begin our New Year Countdown-----3 Days before 2008!!!


Anonymous said...

awww, those shots of your brother with your parents are so so sweet. hah, and i love the last one!

p.s. nice flash work, tt :)

Embrace Photo said...

Thanks Maria!

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