When working in the studio, it actually requires a lot of work, both the models and photographer, working together to achieve the perfect facial expressions and body language for each shot. Everything else is under the photographer's control, the lens and lights, Studio photos capture every little details without the distractions of background, landscape and birds chirping as we know for outdoors session. The model herself/himself has to deliver the specified messages with natural perfections. One message could take many many shots to achieve. Yes, imagine the pros, it's in their nature. On the other hand, the photographer has to connect with the models as well. In addition to having the models feel comfortable in front of the lens, and the short distance to the model, he has a fraction of a moment to capture that message without their realize that they are still getting photographed.
As for you: How would you deliver expressions such as 'frown', 'mysterious', 'lovable', 'alluring', 'happy', just to name a few..? Each model delivers differently and that's what makes it interesting! And that's what makes us love our jobs.
When the rest of the girls arrived, we took a few of these:

Having some fun times:

In addition to playing with 4th of July theme, from the last post, we also put on some sexy masks:

Then after the group shots, we went to individual portraits:
I will keep each girl on individual blog posts, so first, Annie.
Annie is adorable. Her smile is amazing which made our jobs easier to capture that natural smile. She's known to her friends as having a bubbly personality and I totally could see that during the session.
I always tell my models, the first 15 minutes are just Warm-Up sessions. But Annie was a NATURAL, here are the warm-up shots, even before the group shots were done!

Since Annie just graduated and received her MASTERS, yay Annie, congratulations again! I had told her to bring her graduation gown and capture a few for memories:

Did I say she's a natural, I'll say it again, what a natural, GORGEOUS, one of my faves:

Things getting warmer:




Really cooking up, wowzieee, stunning!


I think those just call for many more sessions in the future! Annie, it was nice hanging out in the studio and munching on the party tray you brought over, thank you, that really helped! You did an awesome job ~!! LoveLove
P.S. TT- Fantastic JOB!
Stay tuned for photos of Sammie and Jane!!
Thanks Anna! So sweet comments :)
I have the pics on my facebook, and everyone is asking where I got the photos taken!
I had a great time! Thanks to You and Travis for making it all worthwhile!
I soo enjoyed it!
you girls are hot!
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