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Friday, April 25, 2008

My April MAC Haul !!

My Wishlist

This is the list that I will use to keep track of all the makeup items that I really really want to get. But this list is about 3 weeks outdated because I've done some MAC shopping over the past weekend!! Is that an "ALRIGHT!!" or "EEKSS" I don't know! But I'm happy, and that's all it matters right?

1) A rolling makeup Traincase!!! YES, a must- I'm dying to get a cute, girly one. Laff away, but that's how I am! I was thinking of a pink or the ones with a nice brand...like LV? LOL...jk..I can't even afford a LV handbag! I'm saving the greens for more MAC and makeup. Back to earth, ok so far, I only found pink. So I'm still truly debating!!! If anyone stumbles onto a cute one, please DO share!!!
As of today: I currently have one that I've recently purchased. And it's not a regular makeup traincase. It got wheels alright, but I've taken a spin with it. I don't want to give off the details since I'm planning that one of these days, I'll do a video of it! It does exactly what I like or at least for now!

2) I'll start with the primers, most of which are highly regarded by my MA idols, Pursebuzz and Enkore:
a) cream color base LUNA = $16.50
b) Bare Canvas MAC paint = $16.50
c) MAC Stilife Paint = $16.50
d) Smashbox Photo Finish - very nice for photography purposes!
e) Prep + Prime MAC = $22-$26.50
f) Prep + Prime Lash MAC = $13.50
g) Prep + Prime Eye = $16
g) Lip erasure MAC - neutralize color of lips esp for dark lips and give it more of a flesh tone.
Damage: ? woahh

3) For the eyes: Pigments/eyeshadows/highlighters:
a) Vanilla Pigment = $19.50
b) Lumene Eyeshadow base
c) Shilaq by Benefit
d) MAC Naked Lunch = $14
e) Blanc Type = $14
f) Naked Pigment=$19.50
g) Nylon = $14
h) Shroom = $14
i) for oily lids: Lumene eyeshadow base
j) List to be continued...MAC MAC MAC
Damage: ? woahh

4) Fix+ = $15 and its uses are (thanks Enkore!!)
a) sets makeup after everything has been applied
b) as refresher - imagining it would be great for the brides
c) Moisturizing Toner
d) as Mixing medium
Damage: not bad

5) For the face: Contouring - If you're a model, you know how popular cheekbones are. But if you don't have one then Contouring is the way to go. Believe it or not Tyra Banks mentioned in one of her talkshows that she didn't have cheekbones, she said it's the contour that makes it look like she does...Now that's ART!!!
a) Sculpt / Accentuate dual
b) Nose contour - contour darker shade on the sides of the nose and a lighter
shade on top
c) Bronzer - gives that 'sunkist' look for the winter time = $20
d) Skin Finish Natural - good for males, has no shimmer = $24.50
e) Emote blush = $17.50
f) List to be continued...
Damage: not bad

Here comes the Brushes...Until I have a full wallet to get myself a set of MAC brushes, these will do for me...highly recommended set for on the budget. I'm dying to get my hands on a complete set of MAC brushes though, so, I just have to be patient and hope that someone will hear my prayers and mail it to my home as a surprise gift :P

6) Brushes- Enkore did a wonderful job at comparing MAC brushes with one of the top painter's brushes Loew Cornell (LC). So per Enkore, if you asked a makeup artist what brush brand is good, they would say MAC, while if you asked a painter then Loew Cornell is one big brand:
a) MAC 150 => LC XXL
b) MAC 129 => L-round
c) MAC 136, 134 => LC Maxine 1"
d) MAC 239 => LC 3/8"
e) MAC 208 angled => LC 1/8" angled
f) MAC 266 => LC 1/4"
g) MAC 269 => LC 3/8"
h) MAC 194 => LC Filbert #8
i) MAC 228 => LC 1/4" maxine mop
j) MAC 190 => LC 1" Filbert
K) MAC 242 => LC 1/2" Filbert

I can't leave this blog naked without a picture. It feels like Christmas time! I was one excited little girl. Before I opened and depotted them, I took several pictures as soon as I got home - like 10pm? I should have waited for the daytime to take these but I don't care I had to put them in my palettes ! So here is my April MAC collection:

As of now, these have been transferred to its MAC palettes so, YAYA, they're
sitting comfortably in their shadow/blush palettes.


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