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Hi, thanks for stopping by our photo blog! I'm Anna, the person behind all of the blog posts you're reading! I work with my husband Travis, aka TT, a wedding and portrait photographer for MD/DC/VA area. What you'll find here is our latest photography work, our life, passion, family, and all the moments that I want to remember about everything else that happens in our lives. We'd love to hear from old friends and new friends so don't hesitate to leave a comment / subscribe us to get the latest blog posts.
By the way, be prepared for some music pumping on here as it's loading; Turn your volume up/down, put on your headphones ;) Enjoy

email embrace @ embracephoto . net ; anna @ embracephoto . net ; travis @ embracephoto . net ;
phone anna 240.506.1491 travis 703.608.8152

Monday, August 4, 2008

our little ballerina

Lately, the little girl starts to do some tip-toeing like a ballerina. She must be watching too much Barbie. She constantly remembers that she has access to the studio anytime, so one July weekend, she puts on her favorite dress and she INSISTED that daddy take out the camera to shoot some portraits for her!
"Yes" to her order, here is what bbgirl came up with, totally her idea, I'm sure TT didn't need to guide her.

to be cont.


Anonymous said...

this one needs to be made into a canvas for her bedroom. love it!

Embrace Photo said...

I will need to do a canvas for her room! But when she knows not to start scribbling all over!

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