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Hi, thanks for stopping by our photo blog! I'm Anna, the person behind all of the blog posts you're reading! I work with my husband Travis, aka TT, a wedding and portrait photographer for MD/DC/VA area. What you'll find here is our latest photography work, our life, passion, family, and all the moments that I want to remember about everything else that happens in our lives. We'd love to hear from old friends and new friends so don't hesitate to leave a comment / subscribe us to get the latest blog posts.
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email embrace @ embracephoto . net ; anna @ embracephoto . net ; travis @ embracephoto . net ;
phone anna 240.506.1491 travis 703.608.8152

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bridal Shower for Jin

Just a note: the photos from this set are straight out of the camera (SOOC) from my new G10.
Chef Jane did it once again. I arrived later so I didn't get to taste her food. But I did get a big bite at the yummylicious cupcake. I also hauled a couple home for my kiddos.
Here are the games that the girls played at the bridal shower:
1) How well does the bride know the groom? There were some tough questions!
2) Who makes the best wedding dress with toilet paper? Jackie won
3) Who melts the ice cube with the ring inside the fastest? not sure who won since we started to cheat (:
Oh, and I lost a sticker to my old pal Sammie the very second Jin gave me the description of one of the other game. Oh so disappointed @ myself. It was nice, I saw a couple of familiar faces and realized it had been some ancient time.

A sneak peak at the Bridal Party:

The winner of the dress contest:

Check out the rest of the photos here and we can't wait for your wedding day J&J !
Jin's Bridal Shower

Ref: Our Blog for more photos


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