This past weekend we met up with a familiar family to this blog for a mini outdoors session (their photos will be coming soon). We were going to sleep over at our VA family so we arranged to meet up at
Meadowlark Garden on our way. So, of course we had our little ones with us. Here are a few photos I captured with my G10 and a few TT captured along the way.

You might notice a little thing beside babyboy's right eye. That's because 3 weeks ago, he was playing with a blanket and tripped/fell onto a glass coffee table. It split his skin and as a mom that I am, the thought of scarring has always been my #1 enemy. That night, I had a hard time sleeping, thinking of ways to heal the wound, and it was still slightly bleeding. Growing up, I've been very familiar with
Turmeric which is used to help with lightening the scars on skin. With kids in the house, I always have a few fresh turmerics in my freezer. Ok, so I definitely was going to use that. (I was told to scrape the turmeric, use the little bits of juice that comes out and apply that on the skin- btw, this is the reason the fingers that I use to hold the turmeric extract are dyed with the orange color- I don't want to go through the hassle of wearing gloves each time- but the colors come off eventually). Anyways, I also was seeking other ways in addition to using turmeric. Somewhere in my mind, I thought of
Aloe Vera. I googled and found that it too has wound healing properties that speeds up the healing process. Exellent! Knowing a friend of ours in the neighborhood has a nice big aloe vera plant, I came to her place and she cut me a piece for babyT. Her mom told me how to use it. It's simple as scraping out the gelatin juice extracts from the plant and apply that on the wound. (I put the aloe back to the fridge in a zip lock and was able to use it for a couple of weeks). I also try to air-dry the wound as much as I can, but when babyT goes to school, I slightly place a bandaid cut-to-fit the wound. Also it's important to not peal off the blood clot once it starts to itch. I told babyT don't scratch it else it'll bleed like before. He's such a good boy and listened to that. Everyday for two weeks, I routinely use turmeric and aloe vera gel to apply on babyT, in the morning and evening. I stopped using aloe vera after a couple of weeks. Before typing this section, I had just applied turmeric on him while he's sleeping, I can continue to do this until I feel I can stop. I just wanted to share my first (small) open wound experience now that it healed pretty nicely. Hopefully it won't leave something too noticeable :) I love turmeric and I also need to go get an aloe vera plant to grow in my house too. Not only it looks nice, but it serves as first-aid, yay to that!
our blog for more photos
they are so adorable...and everyday they look so much like you and travis!
Thanks g., I do hear that all the time. The mini A&T. See u later g!
beautiful pics of the kiddies, a + tt! love baby girl's dress :) and i'm sorry to hear about baby T's eye...i'm sure your scar therapy will work!
Thanks mo! can't wait till we pig out soon!
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